Where Should We Eat

I’m not picky and I promise that I’m always equally down for any of the options below. Please just pick your favorite, choose randomly, or suggest another restaurant!


I haven’t eaten out much in NYC yet. Hit me up and help me build this list!



Not picky

It takes around 24 hours of (accidental) fasting for me to start feeling hungry, I’ve historically been prone to eating the same meal every day for months on end, I once consumed nothing but Soylent for several weeks… you get the idea. I eat to live.

However I do enjoy eating out quite regularly for social purposes and I want to contribute my fair share toward the sometimes difficult decision of where to eat1. This page’s “menu of menus” already accounts for practical considerations apart from the food itself, such as price and convenience, so please believe me when I say that I’m more than happy to leave the final choice up to you. Or even random chance!

  1. Yes, Beli is a thing and I do have an account that’s collecting dust. People have reasonably assumed that I’d be into it given how much personal tracking I do already, but I find that Beli is way too much paperwork and granularity for a subject that I care relatively little about.